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DSA Data Request
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Please add relevant details or extra comments regarding your request here.
Do you plan to conduct your research under Article 40(12) of the Digital Services Act?
Organization Name
Organization Address
Organization Country
Organization Website
Link to your profile on organization website
Job title
Name and organization of other researchers involved, including links to the profiles on the organization(s) site
Who is funding your research
Research Title
Tell us about your research project- Please provide a project proposal that includes: research problem to be solved, data to be used, project timeline, key milestones and outcomes.
How will your research contribute to the detection, identification and understanding of the systemic risks identified in Article 34(1) of the DSA in the Union or otherwise meet the requirements of Article 40(12) of the DSA:
Duration of requested public data gathering
Do you want access to an API?
Do you plan to publish your research?
Does your research have any commercial purpose?
How long do you expect to store the requested public data?
In which country do you expect to store the requested public data?
Will you provide others access to the requested public data?
Please identify the persons/category of persons and the purpose?
What technical and organisational mechanisms will you use to protect the requested public data?
Who will be responsible for compliance with GDPR for any personal data included in the requested public data?
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